
knife sharpener

Get Your Knives Sharpened for Holiday Cooking

The holiday season (and lots of cooking!) is around the corner. Getting your knives sharpened before the holidays is a great idea, and here are several reasons why it’s important: Efficiency: Sharp knives make slicing, dicing, and chopping much easier and more efficient. You’ll be able to perform these tasks with less effort and in...
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Terry Beech sharpening knives at the Aptos Farmers Market

The Sharpest Guy at the Market

Terry Beech, known to many as “the knife sharpening guy,” crossed the rainbow bridge last month at the age of 79. As is often the case, many of us expressed disbelief and shock. When I first watched Terry roll into the Aptos Farmers Market in his primo VW bus, I was bemused to watch as...
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