
Market News

Please — No Animals at the Farmers Markets

Enforcing regulations at the farmers’ markets is a tough task for staff and vendors alike. Many customers are not aware of the daunting list of regulations we must follow, and it sometimes leads to awkward moments for both vendors and customers having to enforce the rules. The state mandates that we must follow its regulations...
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Zen and the Art of Rice Bowls

The story of Zen Natural Foods and its owner Lisa Koda is as improbable as it is fascinating. It is part chance, part fate, and part of a higher calling for Lisa. Born in Tokyo, Lisa’s original career choice was fashion design. “I was fascinated by making clothes. I studied English literature in Japan, but...
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New Natives: The OGs of Organic Food

If anyone would ask you what Steve Jobs and Sandra Ward of New Natives have in common, the odds are pretty decent you’d be hard pressed to guess the answer, which is: they both started their businesses in their garages. “I began growing wheatgrass in my garage around 1980 or so,” Sandra recalled with a...
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Terry Beech sharpening knives at the Aptos Farmers Market

The Sharpest Guy at the Market

Terry Beech, known to many as “the knife sharpening guy,” crossed the rainbow bridge last month at the age of 79. As is often the case, many of us expressed disbelief and shock. When I first watched Terry roll into the Aptos Farmers Market in his primo VW bus, I was bemused to watch as...
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These Bad Boys Are Back

We will have our iconic WTF (Work the Farm) T-shirts for sale starting on Saturday, July 23. Additionally, we will have our caps in two colors (khaki and navy) available too! Show your support for our hard working farmers and wear your T-shirts proudly! You’ll find them at the information booth on the second level. ...
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I Hear It’s Your Birthday!

July 2022 marks the 46th anniversary of the Monterey Bay Certified Farmers Market. To put it in perspective, the year was 1976; leisure suits and disco music were the rage, the internet didn’t exist, “Google” was still a noun, and many married couples that frequent our markets hadn’t even met yet. Even though farmers markets...
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Celebrating our 45th Anniversary — Finally!

It’s hard to believe, but our farmers market organization is 46 years old this July! Last year, our 45th-anniversary celebration was postponed due to the pandemic — so this year, we are celebrating! What began as a small, grassroots effort by a few local farmers 46 years ago, the Aptos Farmers Market has blossomed into...
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Organic Roots Run Deep at Spade & Plow

It’s been said that a farmer works in acres, not hours. Sam Thorp of Spade & Plow Farms in Gilroy enjoys telling the story of his family farm in terms of acres. “My Dad (Mike), my brother Nick and I would always talk about having a smaller farm based on the community-supported ag (CSA) model....
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Cherries at Minazzoli Farm's booth

Cheering For Cherries (and the Farmers Who Grow Them)

Stone fruit season is upon us! Cherries (and other stone fruit) are known as drupes, and this category includes peaches, plums, cherries, nectarines, apricots, and pluots. We’re fortunate enough to have some of the best stone fruit growers in the state at our farmers markets. Stone fruit season typically begins with cherries and the first...
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Peaceful sunset Santa Cruz

Will the Circle Be Unbroken — Remembering Frank, Bob, and Rudy

In the everyday hustle and bustle called life, it’s easy to overlook the countless points of light that provide us comfort and moments of happiness. When one of those lights leaves us, it can hit us like a board to the head. “You’re kidding?” is a common reaction when we learn of a friend or...
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