Starting this weekend, the Aptos Farmers Market at Cabrillo College is launching a new Cookbook Exchange program. While the “leave

-a-book, take-a-book” concept is nothing new (in fact, philanthropist Andrew Carnegie is credited with this book exchange movement at the turn of the last century), we hope that our Cookbook Exchange will serve as a place for our market customers to share their favorite cookbooks and recipes with the community in a one-for-one exchange. Leave a cookbook, and pick up a new one to try!
The Cookbook Exchange bookshelves will be located next to our information table on the middle level of the Aptos Farmers Market. Bring your good condition cookbooks and exchange them for something new.
With the opening of our other two seasonal farmers markets in May, our markets will be in full swing soon — what better time for fresh inspiration?
#AptosFarmersMarket #CabrilloCollege #CookbookExchange #FreeLibrary #books #cookbooks #farmersmarkets #recipes